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As you may, or may not know, I have something called Essential Tremors. I’m not sure if it’s that I’m older or if it was Covid or whatever – but the shakes are getting shakier. For example, I was visiting with friends at a restaurant. Eating has become quite the comedic entertainment. At one point I get some of that lovely green lettuce doused in dressing upon my fork, go to lift the bite to my mouth, suddenly my hand decides to audition for “Bobby Brady’s Cymbal Solo” in the middle of a quiet restaurant. Fork is a clanging, lettuce is a flying, and the entire place becoming intimately aware of my personal percussion performance. I did what any sane girl would do – I laughed. Then basically apologized to the entire restaurant. (One of said friends later called wondering if my condition was fatal).

There are workarounds and very very very expensive products. I bought the SILVERWARE THAT WON’T BANG YOUR PLATES. The trick to the ones I have are that they are weighted. They are weighted to the point they make my hand tired. I made the executive decision to skip public salads and get something easier. I can hold a bowl of soup pretty well. I sure can’t eat it with a spoon! And don’t think for a minute I haven’t downed a bowl in public. Half of which ends up down my chest. I’m basically become a walking Rorschach test. Yes, I’m a hot mess but I embrace the chaos.

” … to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; 
for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee!”

I do have meds for the shaky hands, but remembering to take them? That’s a whole other level of fine motor skill I haven’t mastered. Believe it or don’t, alcohol is known to actually help. So, my backup plan is beer. It’s like a chaotic good situation; I either stumble through life pill-less and shaky, or slightly less shaky and slightly tipsy. It’s a coin flip, really, and the coin is a bottle cap.

Call it!


I say all the above to share that holding a pencil is getting rough. I have the heart to still do graphite pencil work – but color pencil levels me. The last 2 color commissions I had took FOR EVER. I restarted both of them. Maybe it’s perfectionism … Let’s just say they were less “artistic masterpieces” and more “artistic meltdowns.” I’m seriously considering dusting off the ol’ graphite pencils for some detailed commissions. Frankly, anything feels easier than wrangling those killer rainbow sticks right now. 

Color pencils?! More like KILLER pencils!! Amirite?!

Regarding The Secret Life Of Rabbits, however, is my place of zen. The memorial book above was a labor of love and a bit involved but I loved every moment. Drawing someone’s rabbit in a single comic? Absolutely! So, back to comic commissions and maybe even graphite commissions! Any thoughts?