Based on the Apocalypse Meow Graphic Novel in 3 Volumes by Motofumi Kobayashi (Yes, I have all 3)
As an illustrator and rabbit-lover, I cannot begin to express my overall nerdiness over this first release of CAT SHIT 1 from 2009. The plans are still in production for a 12 episode series. I was both horrified (for a number of reasons) and taken over by an overdose of “omg the bunnies are soooooo cute” all at the same time.
RAGING BUNNIES / STUDIO566 just got the HOP AHEAD for the Midwest Bunfest 2014!
This event, sponsored by the Ohio House Rabbit Rescue, is one of the highlights of my year. All bunny people from all over show up to this event to share, show off and just BE all things rabbity.
This includes: health and welfare, rescue, Glamour Photos (they even make a calendar out of said shots),
treats, care, nick-nacks, art *ahem* and all-out celebration.
It is glorious to know that crazy bunny people have a peer group. I have made entertaining acquaintances
as well as life-long friends (and some of those friends are even the human kind).
I heart the Midwest Bunfest HARD.
Needless to say, I am excited!
This year for the 2014 Midwest Bunfest, Raging Bunnies is donating THIS for raffle:
18″ x 18″ Black Tote
My inspiration: Samuel L. Jackson (The “l” is for “LOVE“)
Sammy and his BA Buns of Anarchy Biker Jacket
If you are around during the 2014 Midwest Bunfest, stop by the RAGING BUNNEHZ table and say, “Hi!”
I always enjoy meeting everyone and hearing about their furry beloveds.
I am honoredto have been chosen for the Lürzer’s Archive Top 200 Illustrators Worldwide 2014/2015 Annual. RADIOACTIVE (SAVE THE BUNNIES) was chosen for the annual and is one of my favorite “bunny pieces” depicting a survivor-hare in the midst of a post apocalyptic crisis. The piece is clearly modeled after old WWII propoganda posters. The inspiration for this poster were the 100’s of “war-stories” told by rabbit rescuers. The purpose of the poster is to advocate the rescue and adoption of rabbits and was created, specifically, for the 2014 Midwest Bunfest to be held in Columbus, Ohio. Lürzer’s Archive is a bi-monthly magazine for the advertising industry and has been described as “one of the foremost advertising magazines in the world.”
I was given a gift of ANCESTRY.COM some time ago. I have been tracing back everyone and their mothers – literally. I have come to find out that my roots go back to THE SALEM VILLAGE WITCH TRIALS.
Only, none of my relations were accused of the craft. My relations were Quakers. They were Quakers in the middle of a Puritan community. It seems the Puritans weren’t so tolerant after fleeing England in order to escape… you know… religious intolerance.
Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick entertained two Quaker preachers in their home. They also held some writings of those preachers. The Puritans considered this heresy. The Southwicks were fined, left in abject poverty and were summarily excommunicated from the settlement. They were never to return as it was punishable by death. Their two children were then sold into slavery (Daniel and Provided) to pay off the court costs/fines. Provided Southwick is listed as the only white woman ever to be sold into slavery. [ – Slavery Comes to America]
As fate would have it – she never did become a slave. No one wanted any part of it.
“…none willing to take them thither. One master of a ship to whom he applied, in order to evade a compliance, pretended they would spoil the ship’s company. Butler replied, no, you do not fear that, for they are poor harmless creatures that will not hurt anybody. The master rejoined, will you then offer to make slaves of such harmless creatures? and declined the invidious office of transporting them, as well as the rest. Disappointed in his designs and at a loss how to dispose of them, the winter approaching, he sent them home to shift for themselves till he could find a convenient opportunity to send them away.”
Provided married a man named Samuel Gaskill.
Provided spent her free time fighting heresy charges, protesting the intolerance of the status quo and relaxing in the town’s stockade on more than one occasion.
During the witch trials, a girl that Samuel’s parents had as a border (Abigail Somes) was charged and tried as a witch. Samuel Sr. was overlooked… but the Gaskill name stayed in the middle of the trials.
“You are in theire Majest’s names hereby required to apprehen and forthwith bring before us Abigaile Soames Single Woman, now Liveing at the house of Sam’l Gaskill in Salem; who stand accused of Sundry acts of #[Sundry] Witchcraft, (or high suspition there of) donne or Committed by her Lately. on the Body of Mary Warren & faile not
Dated Salem, May the 13’th 1692 P us *John Hathorne Assis’t *Jonathan. Corwin Assis’t
(Reverse) Abigaile Soames I heave Aprehended the person of Abigall Soams Acordinge to warrante exprest on the other side and heave broughte hir to the how of mr Thomas Beadles pr me *Peter Osgood Constable in Selem
May the 13; 1692” (Essex County Archives, Salem — Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 50)
The documents of the trials shows that Provided Gaskill signed petitions for the defense of John and Elizabeth Proctor.
“To Constable peter Osgood “We whose names are under witten havinge several yeares knowne John Procter and his wife do testefy that we never heard or understood that they were ever suspected to be guilty of the crime now charged apon them and several of us being their neare neighbours do testefy that to our aprehension they lived christian life in their famely and were ever ready to helpe such as stood in need of their helpe
Nathaniel Felton sen: and mary his wife Samuel Marsh and Prescilla his wife James Houlton and Ruth his wife John Felton Nathaniel Felton jun Samuell Frayll and an his wife Zachriah Marsh and mary his wife Samuel Endecott and hanah his wife Samuell Stone George Locker Samuel Gaskil & Provided his wife George Smith Ed Edward: Gaskile”
Essex County Archives, Salem — Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 28
So there it is. I am proud to present my 7ggm – PROVIDED GASKILL – a rebel – standing for human dignity and what she believed.
Thank-you, Great Grandmother Provided. We women of the bloodline still fight the good fight.